Monday, March 23, 2009

Leaves and a Face

These few leaves were unusual in that they were still on the branch yesterday at the end of March after the whole winter. I think nature left them there to draw attention to the funny face in the tree trunk formed by the knots.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Never Surrender Park

The radio tower in Sir Winston Churchill Park. In the past I've called it ''Never Surrender Park''.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dove Puzzle Piece

This is the dove shaped puzzle piece I found on Clarendon just a few minutes before Caitlin told me Bryten had died. The previous year, two nights before I heard that Lauren had died, I was staying at Grandpa Pat's and I awoke in the middle of the night to see a dove like apparition fluttering over the bed.

Six months later in the CECC in Lindsay a buddy of mine told me that if he saw a white bird it was an omen and he new he was going to be free.

Before all of this in the summer before Lauren died I had made a painting in a frenzy. It was the only painting I remember doing in 15 years. It was abstract really but in it emerged two all white sitting figures intertwined. They were ghostly. I called them "The Lovers" and when I found it I put the dove piece on top of the painting where it lay in Grandma Joan's basement.

I thought I had lost the puzzle piece but found it just now in my van just now, three years later. I reached down under the seat and there it was.

Billy's son died a few days ago. The day before I heard that news, a man, who's look reminded me a lot of an angry Billy, was heading towards me at the Whole Foods in Toronto. He made me feel uneasy. The next day I heard Billy's eldest son was dead. I've never known Billy to be angry. A few days later I was in the hospital myself. What's going on?

Some Park in March

Pointing the lens bellow horizon to highlight the puddles.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Oh My Stars


Sunday, March 1, 2009


phospho soda